East Coast Writing Room
Writing is a solitary adventure.
It's also the one thing we all have in common!
Regardless of whether you write as a hobby, for profit, exploration, therapy, or just for fun – putting those words on the page is a joy and struggle we can all relate to.
And resistance to putting those words on the page is an antagonist we all have in common.
Life gets in the way. Work, family, and fatigue keep us from taking action and moving forward toward our goals.
You don't need to do it alone.
Virtual writing rooms are a tried-and-true method to ensure writing makes it onto your schedule. The premise is simple... each week, there's a time in your calendar that's set aside for writing, and someone is waiting there for you to show up and get to work.
Someone cares if you write or not.
Someone notices if you don't show up.
Someone is waiting to hear what you've accomplished!
I started the East Coast Writing Room because I want to be that someone for you, and I want us to build a community of writers who keep each other motivated and cheer each other on.
Here's the plan...​
Once per week from 6pm - 7:30pm Atlantic Time, either on a Tuesday or Wednesday, we'll meet in Zoom and check in on our goals for the week. What did we accomplish, and what's our next step?
We'll take some time to work through any blocks or sticky plot points, before launching into 45 mins of silent writing time.
Next, we'll check in on our progress and share any excerpts, anecdotes, or epiphanies we stumbled across while writing.
Then, we'll go our separate ways with progress and a plan, until we meet again next week!
You need skin in the game.​
I don't want you to let procrastination and resistance get in the way of making real progress here. I want everyone who joins me to write more, grow their confidence, and crush those goals.
I've seen too many writers (myself included!) commit to a plan only to let it slide. I don't want that for you, and so I'm asking you to commit to yourself and to me.
If you think the East Coast Writing Room is right for you, then you can dive in with a four-week commitment for $59CAD or an eight-week commitment for $99CAD.
And for a limited time only, if you're on the fence about making a commitment, you can even try out the East Coast Writing Room once with no obligation for $0CAD for a single trial session. ​
Click here to register for your one-time free trial session.
Click here to view our upcoming Writing Room dates.​
Ready to commit to YOUR writing goals?​​​​​​​​​​